The Vloggingtons

The Vloggingtons is a cartoon comedy show that follows the adventures of four friends who love to make funny videos for their online channel. Flo, Kina, Roz, and Marvyn are always turning everyday moments into hilarious and creative productions. The show is aimed at 7 to 9-year-olds and is made with the support of NZ On Air.

It currently streams on TVNZ+, Australia’s ABC, and internationally on Tubi and appeals to audiences who enjoy its witty comedy takes and tactile, nostalgic aesthetic. The show was devised in 2018 to launch NZOnAir’s HEIHEI, a platform for kids’ digital entertainment. A game, Epicool Kai Karting, was released in 2022.

Produced by: Yoozoo Limited
Directed by: Julian Stokoe
Made with support of: NZ On Air